(Examiner.com, 01/06/2012)
(BusinessWeek, 01/06/2012)
(Chicago Sun-Times, 01/05/2012)
(ABC30.com, 01/05/2012)
(San Francisco Chronicle, 01/05/2012)
(Politico, 01/04/2012)
(Braidwood Journal, 01/04/2012)
(San Francisco Chronicle, 01/04/2012)
(CityLimits.org, 01/03/2012)
(New York Times, 01/03/2012)
(San Jose Mercury News, 01/02/2012)
(Air and Business Travel News, 12/12/2011)
(Progressive Rail Roading, 12/12/2011)
(Michigan Radio, 12/12/2011)
(Sacramento Bee, 12/12/2011)
(Air and Business Travel News, 12/12/2011)
(GoErie.com, 12/10/2011)
(The Detroit News, 12/09/2011)
(San Jose Mercury News, 12/09/2011)
(Bloomberg, 12/09/2011)
(Los Angeles Times, 12/08/2011)
(The Hill, 12/07/2011)
(Boston Herald, 12/06/2011)
(MinnPost.com, 12/06/2011)
(nwitimes.com, 12/06/2011)
(Capitol Weekly, 10/28/2011)
(Chicago Sun-Times, 10/28/2011)
(Austin Herald, 10/27/2011)
(Examiner.com, 10/27/2011)
(Bellingham Herald, 10/27/2011)
(Central Valley Business Times, 10/27/2011)
(The Economist, 10/26/2011)
(Montreal Gazette, 10/26/2011)
(Los Angeles Times, 10/25/2011)
(The Hill, 10/25/2011)
(The Daily Tar Heel, 10/24/2011)
(The Times-Picayune, 10/24/2011)
(Washington Post, 10/24/2011)
(The Hill, 10/24/2011)
(The Republican, 10/24/2011)
(CBS 47, 10/21/2011)
(Wheeling News Register, 10/21/2011)
(Wall Street Journal, 10/20/2011)
(Your Houston News, 10/20/2011)
(VoiceofOC, 10/19/2011)
(Toronto Star, 10/18/2011)
(Montreal Gazette, 10/18/2011)
(Wall Street Journal, 10/17/2011)
(Tbo.com, 10/17/2011)
(Toronto Star, 10/16/2011)